It’s crazy that our banks and our pensions are investing in fossil fuel when these are the very things that are jeopardising our future that we are saving for!”

Sir David Attenborough - “A life on our Planet”


Environmental investment is a form of socially responsible investing(SRI) where investors focus on choosing investments in companies that support or provide environmentally friendly products and/or service.

At Withycombe Financial Services Ltd, we want to help our clients invest for a better future. We want to help our clients make a difference to society and the wider world – while also delivering financial returns.

We work closely with a number of providers whose Environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations have been an integral part of their decision-making process. By putting ESG factors at the heart of their investment process, they have generated better outcomes for clients. The impact of Covid-19 makes this goal even more important. Now, more than ever, we need to work together for a more sustainable future.

Responsible investing is about delivering value for clients. Companies we deal with focus on key social and environmental issues that matter to its stakeholders.

I have been watching David Attenborough documentaries since I was a child. The latest one from David Attenborough I believe is the most important documentary he has filmed and is a must see. Please see below a very good article I found on Forbes magazine, written by Dani Di Placido on the 8th October 2020.


Get In Touch

For more details about the services we offer please contact us using the form below:

Withycombe Financial Services Ltd

Registered Office: 11 Graig Lwyd, Radyr, Cardiff, CF15 8BG
Telephone: 02920 843375
Mobile: 07917 457647
Registered in England & Wales- number: 11913945

Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority: 842433